Apr 13 – Revitalization

Our April Conversation Group topic takes up the theme of revitalization. The 2017 General Chapter of our Order repeatedly raised this theme. Following the thrust of the General Chapter, we can see our Strategic Plan as a path leading to the revitalization of the Cistercian charism in our community and in our personal monastic journeys. Today we shared examples of how we make use of available opportunities and resources for the purpose of personal growth and revitalization of our personal vocations. Additionally, we told how we have or have not been encouraged to engage in the pursuit of particular interests. Finally, we identified an area of study, specialization, or artistic endeavor that we feel would be good for us to pursue and identified how we might go about pursuing it.

from the OCSO Ratio Institutionis – Guidelines on Formation
Part III Ongoing Formation

Fidelity to the demands of monastic converstion requires some form of ongoing formation that will last during the whole monastic life, and that can be adapted to each one’s needs and potentials. (Ratio 47)

After solemn profession, monks and nuns are to be encouraged to engage in the personal study of a particular interest, or to engage in some technical specialization in the area of manual work or in some form of artistic creation.

Conversation Groups (CG)

The purpose of the CGs is to provide a forum where the brothers “come together to listen to the Spirit speaking through one another,” to foster skills of good communication that will promote mutual understanding and trust (Gdlns 2), and to provide the superior with the data he needs for taking decisions with foresight and fairness by the brothers humbly and honestly expressing their views (RB 3)