December Denouement

Advent was a grace-filled season, leading us to the end of a year and the beginning of a new one. In our endings we discover our beginnings and know them for the first time (T.S. Eliot). The most important news of the month was our transition in leadership. Fr. Brendan’s resignation as superior became effective on the first Sunday of Advent, and Br. Paul Andrew Tanner officially became our new superior as prior. Acknowledging that he no longer had the energy for this role in the community, Fr. Brendan is spending some time with his sister in Des Moines, and then will return to assume chaplain’s duties for our sisters at Mississippi Abbey. This is only a temporary move to allow Br. Paul and the community time to readjust to a new person in leadership, and we look forward to Fr. Brendan’s eventual return to the community.

The Guest House was closed from the 19th of December to the 5th of January. In addition to a more thorough cleaning of the Guest House, extensive repair work was performed on the plumbing system which required closing off the water for some time. New windows were also installed in areas of the monastery itself.

We celebrated a quiet Christmas, although there were large congregations at the Midnight and morning services. And all the earth shall see the glory of the Lord.

Notes from November

We began the month with a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Mississippi Abbey. Several monks went to join the sisters in a Eucharistic celebration, with Fr. Brendan presiding and giving an inspiring homily which focused on “lovers of the place.” This was followed by a meal and a sharing of memories and history of the early days of the community. Sr. Joan, who had died the previous week, was one of the founders and so there were only two (Sr. Gail and Sr. Genevieve) with us at this celebration.

On the following Wednesday (the 6th), we celebrated our annual Memorial Mass for all those who had died the past year and had been buried in Trappist caskets and urns. Several relatives and friends of these deceased were with us, as well as a good number of the employees of Trappist Caskets. We frequently remember in our prayers those who have been buried in Trappist Caskets and Urns. This intercession continues our support and accompaniment of those who have died and those who grieve their loss.

We sponsored another Come-and-See vocational discernment weekend on the 8th – 10th. Six men joined us for this experience and we pray that the Spirit will guide them in following his movement in their lives.

More windows have been installed in the basement areas, notably the laundry which is lit up by natural light and sheltered from winds sneaking through cracks. Clean-up work is still in progress, but a considerable amount of dead wood and trees have been removed from areas in front of the monastery buildings. This has brought about a real transformation in the landscape. Not quite mountains being made low and valleys filled in, but in that category. A blessed Advent.

Ode to October

The month has been a full one, beginning with seven of our monks joining the sisters at Mississippi Abbey for the celebration of the life and death of Sr. Joan Garrity. She had been ill for some time, and was most recently affected by the Covid virus. She was much loved and a person of simplicity and joy.

Some speculated that our participation in this event was the source of an invasion of the Covid virus in our own community. The week of October 7th saw several monks confined to quarantine and separation from community exercises. Some of the offices were recited without the benefit of a full choir. The annual invasion of box elder bugs seemed especially intense this year. The bean and corn harvest seems to force their migration from the fields into domestic sites. The walls and windows had been covered as with a moving curtain. Attempts to exterminate them are only mildly successful and replacements seem endlessly ready to fill in the ranks.

Unfortunately, we had to move Fr. Thomas MacMaster to the Stonehill Care Center in Dubuque. He fell three times in his room and was taken briefly to the hospital. From there, he moved to the nursing home. His presence is greatly missed, as well as his continuing services as a confessor and councilor in the Guest House. We hope that he will recover sufficient strength to be able to return.

On the 21st and 22nd, the Commission for the Future of the community met here at the Abbey. The commission is appointed by the Abbot General to assist in determining the necessary steps for our immediate future. It is composed of several abbots and superiors, three members of the community and an outside business advisor. Plans are being made to transfer leadership from Fr. Brendan to Br. Paul Andrew who will serve as prior of the community. Some of our needs in the area of formation are being met by cooperation with the sisters of Mississippi Abbey. Unused space in the monastery buildings militates against a sense of living together, and we need to rethink the way we use space in a way which foster a sense of a shared life.

The landscaping project in front of the Guest House has been completed by a local professional company. It should assume its full glory when spring returns. More windows are gradually being replaced in the lower level of the monastery building. The last of the garden yields (kale and broccoli) is processing into the kitchen, and there are still some apples in the orchard waiting to be gathered into the cooler. It is unmistakably fall.

September’s Song

Our series of classes on Christian Anthropology, given by Father Douglas Wathier, concluded this month with a discussion of Karl Rahner and then a summation of the material given over the past weeks. We were extremely grateful to Fr. Wathier for his clear and accessible presentation of core teaching of the Church in its developing thought on the incarnation of Christ and our redemption.

On the 11th of the month, several monks went “across the street” to join the employees of Trappist Caskets for the morning coffee break. It was an opportunity to express our thanks to them and to make some personal acquaintances. We formerly had this opportunity at an annual Christmas party, but the onset of Covid broke that pattern and we look for other ways to show our gratitude and appreciation. There are approximately twenty-seven persons employed in sales and production there.

A few days later, on the Friday the13th, our Br. Gilbert Cardillo (83) died at the Stonehill Care Center in town. He had been suffering from dementia, and this necessitated his move to this Center. Fr. Brendan had anointed him the day before and we had visited him that morning, but he died in mid-afternoon, perhaps not coincidentally the time when our Savior died on a Friday. We celebrated his funeral mass on Monday morning. A long-time wardrobe keeper and cook, he was known for his helpfulness and out-going nature.

We suffered another loss in the departure of Msgr. Desmond O’Connor of New York. Msgr. O’Connor had been with us for over two years as a Long Term Guest. He was extremely helpful in executing many jobs around the monastery and was a faithful presence at our liturgies. A couple of serious health issues demanded that he return to New York and to close monitoring by his doctors.

A plan for improved landscaping in the front of the monastery is in process. Overgrown shrubs are being removed and an array of flowers and plants will be placed to welcome visitors and guests. We are also investigating alternatives for our sound system in the church. The present speakers and microphones are inadequate for intelligibly transmitting the spoken words to hearers. The acoustics of the church are wonderful for singing, but muffle and deaden the spoken word. Fr. Jerome, who has been assuming more pastoral work in the Guest House, will now become our Guest Master. Br. Paul Andrew will be assuming more responsibilities as prior of the community.

August Adventures

We began the month with the classes given by Fr. Douglas Wathier on Christian Anthropology. We join with the sisters of Mississippi Abbey for these classes, meeting at OLM for an afternoon session on Monday and then meeting at New Melleray Tuesday morning. They continue to be stimulating and informative classes, sparking questions and observations from those participating in them.

Our biggest joy was the clothing and readmission to the novitiate of Br. Philip (Charles Ross). Br. Philip was most recently a resident of Clinton, IA and had spent time in the service as a Marine. He had been a novice with us, but had to leave temporarily to assist his mother during her last illness and death. He has returned and received the habit in a ceremony in the Chapter Room after Vespers on August 15th, the feast of the Assumption. Please support him with your prayers.

Renovations on the exterior of the building continued with the installation of about 17 new windows on the first floor. These replaced ancient wooden ones in the kitchen, bakery, and wardrobe areas. In addition to providing better thermal protection, they add an aesthetic harmony with the other windows already in place. New overflow drains have been installed to prevent a repeat happening of the flooding which occurred last month. We are looking at replacing the elevator in the guest house with one which offers more space and security in its ascents and descents. Several other projects are under examination to take more advantage of using our available space to increase personal interchange in the community. We seem to be back in regular pattern of a monthly Information Forum which allows everyone to learn what projects are underway in the community.

At the end of the month, we hosted another Come-and-See weekend for men discerning a religious vocation. Three men joined us for these days which exposed them to the processes and experiences of considering a religious vocation.

July Fireworks

The month began with the cancelation of our regular class on Chrstina anthropology, due to a medical issue incurred by our teacher, Fr. Douglas Wathier. The postponement of the class allowed us to use the first Monday (July 1st) as our community hermit day. This was quickly followed by our observance of the July 4th holiday. The sisters at Mississippi Abbey invited the monks over for a traditional (for them) cook-out. Several of the monks joined them, while others preferred the quiet of simply staying at home.

A larger celebration occurred on July 16th, the 175th anniversary of the founding of New Melleray Abbey. Our archbishop Thomas Zinkula was the celebrant of a Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. He preached a homily which incorporated stories of our founding in the account left by Br. Kieran Mullaney. All the sisters came and shared in this Eucharist. This was followed by a festive meal in our refectory. The sisters had decorated the refectory and provided a catered meal which we all shared together. As part of the celebration, the sisters presented a skit which developed the theme of living stones. An informal period of sharing memories of the history and interaction of our two communities over the years closed the afternoon. We were touched by and grateful for their kindness.

Both Fr. Brendan and Fr. Stephen were simultaneously absent for a little over a week. Fr. Brendan attended a meeting of the superiors of the Western houses of the U.S. Region at Sonoita Abbey in Arizona. Fr. Stephen was gone to visit two of his elderly sisters who had helped raise him after the early death of his mother. The absence of two priests put some pressure on the remaining clerical roster. They missed the torrential downpour of rain during Sunday Vespers on July 21st. We received two and a half inches of rain within thirty minutes. It was a very local storm: areas a mile away received no rain. It also moved in very quickly and not all windows had been closed before Vespers. So there was an earnest mopping effort which followed. Serious damage was caused in one of the Guest House conference rooms. The drains in the windows wells were not able to handle this amount of water, and it overflowed into the room damaging the walls and rugs. Repairs are underway.

Tides of June

The steady fall of rain has become a regular feature of life here in Iowa, with its drumbeat on our church roof drowning out softer voices rising from within. Rivers have been rising and causing havoc in certain areas. The benefits to crops generally outweigh any damage done.

We have begun a collaborative project in education/formation with the sisters of Mississippi Abbey. A series of classes on Christian anthropology is being presented by Rev. Doug Wathier, a retired professor of Loras College. The first class was given on Monday, June 1st, in the afternoon at Mississippi Abbey. Two carloads of monks rode over to the Abbey for a joint session. Then, on Tuesday morning, the sisters drove over to New Melleray for a second joint session. After celebrating Sext in church, we had dinner together in our refectory at the end of the morning. This is part of an effort to take advantage of mutually energizing our communities by sharing various activities. No two other monasteries in our country are so geographically near and it is a bonus to be able to share in our charism and Cistercian way of life.

In his first lectures, Fr. Wathier exposed the gradual development of reflection on the understanding of humanity in the light of the Incarnation of Christ, moving from the Apostolic Fathers, Irenaeus to Augustine. An understanding of Christian anthropology is influenced by how one interprets doctrines of free will, original sin, and the redemptive atonement of Christ. The way of life one follows is a continuing existential interpretation of fundamental beliefs. Classes are planned for once a month.

On Sunday, June 23rd, we celebrated the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick in our Chapter Room. Six members of the community received the sacrament in the supportive circle of their brothers. The rite invoked the healing presence of Christ to bestow His grace and support to the infirm and aged.

On that same day, several sisters came over from Mississippi Abbey to help us celebrate the birthday of Fr. Brendan. They supplied the cake, while we provided the ice cream. Perhaps this is sharing a charism, in an extended sense.

The Information Forum reviewed several projects afoot in the community. New windows will be installed on the first floor (around the kitchen and wardrobe). After this is done, we will decide about moving up to the second floor. Another Come-and-See weekend for vocation promotion is being planned for the fall. It is a little early to hear any response from the recent weekend.

May Days

May was another full month. We even managed to include an Information Forum meeting at the end of the month to bring everyone au courant with happenings. A number of major liturgical feasts occur during the month, and they call for extra preparation. Some new windows are still in the planning stage. They will replace windows which do not have adequate insulation. Several of the younger monks joined some of the sisters at Mississippi Abbey for a walk which explored trails on their property. We have been exploring various ways to share experiences with our sisters, including a program of studies this coming month.

Five men participated in our Come and See Weekend for vocational discernment, May 24-26. Their ages ranged from the mid-20’s to the mid-40’s. It was encouraging to see that number of men interested in pursuing religious life. They shared in monastic life and several discussions with members of the community, learning the steps of inclusion and integration into a monastic community. We are currently hosting a candidate in the community who had participated in a former Come and See Weekend. He will be with us for six weeks as a time to look more closely at the experience of monastic life.

On May 16th, the monastery hosted a Field Day for the Iowa Woodland Owners Association (IOWA). Approximately one hundred persons came from central and eastern Iowa to listen to presentations and view some of the land management initiatives employed here. This included a visit to beaver dams on our property which offer a natural way to restore wetlands. The beavers declined an invitation to join us for lunch.

Fr. Alberic Maisog of Assumption Abbey spent another month with us, and graciously presided at liturgies here at New Melleray and over at Mississippi Abbey. He always offers well-prepared homilies. He has consented to return four times a year for a month to assist us in meeting the demands of our eucharistic and pastoral ministry.

Fr. Brendan attended the U.S. Regional meeting of the superiors of our Order. This was held at Villa Maria del Mare in California from the 22nd to 29th of May. This location, near San Jose, offered rooms with views of the ocean. It is a loss to local communities to be unable to host these meetings (as was often done in the past). They had been an opportunity for exchange with more members and different communities of our region. A storm moved into the San Jose area before Fr. Brendan was able to fly out, and his return was tormented and delayed by a litany of mishaps and frustrations that would dismay the most intrepid of travelers. He did return home, two days late.

March into April

The final days of April offered the opportunity to resume our monthly Information Meeting. In March, Holy Week activities exhausted time and space for that sharing. We were able to communicate about recent activities and developments around the abbey.

A Come and See vocation discernment weekend is planned for the 24th – 26th of May. Six men have indicated an interest in participating in this weekend program. We hope that they will be able to include this in their schedules. One other man is due to join the community for a six week observer program while living within the community. We pray for the light and fire of the Spirit to guide them all in this Easter season.

General maintenance continues with spraying the outside of the church wing to deter assaults by flies and bugs. A project to replace a number of windows in the monastery buildings is in early stages. The older windows fail to regulate the flow of heat and cold with any regard for human occupancy, and some are permanently fixed in place. This is a project which will take some time to gradually complete.

Many new trees have been planted, most in connection with conservation efforts. The high winds have overturned trees and scattered dead branches which now need to be cleaned up. The plan is to purchase a wood chipper and gradually remove the debris. The garden is beginning to yield its fruit: asparagus and rhubarb are first to reach the kitchen.

July 16th will be the 175th anniversary of the founding of our community, and we are still trying to determine appropriate ways to celebrate the day. It should be a day of thanksgiving to our local church, to the sisters of Mississippi Abbey, to our employees, and to all those who have supported us over the years. We may need to have several days and ways to share the celebration of our thanks to God and friends and neighbors.

On March 22nd, we had the joy and honor of a visit from our new archbishop, Thomas Zinkula. He celebrated the Eucharist with us, and then spent some time in an informal discussion with the community. He asked each monk to tell where he had come from and the vocation story that had brought him to New Melleray.

The sisters from Mississippi Abbey joined us in the abbey church for the celebration of the Easter Vigil. A number of guests joined us for the service which began at 4;30 a.m. and ended almost two hours later. The monks and nuns then shared refreshments and concluded this part of the morning with a common celebration of Easter Lauds at 7:30.

Our community has been enlarged by the addition of Fr. Jerome Machar, a monk of Genesee Abbey, who arrived on April 8th. He will be with us for an indefinite period. He comes with a wide range of experience. Currently, he is still recuperating from knee surgery and uses a cane for walking. But he is already presiding at liturgy, filling in as confessor and in the guest house reception.

February News

With a bonus day for the month of February, we were able to schedule an Information Forum and catch up on local occurrences. Not everything merits the title of an event. We will be losing two visiting monks, who will be departing on the morning of March 1st. Fr. Donal Davis will be returning to Mount Melleray in Ireland after a temporary visit begun last November. And Fr. Alberic Maisog will be returning to Assumption Abbey in Ava, Missouri after having spent a month with us. Fr. Alberic is officially a member of our community, but he chose to remain at Assumption Abbey after it was transferred to the Cistercians of the Common Observance. He agreed to divide his time between the two monasteries by coming to New Melleray four times a year to help us with pastoral ministry by celebrating the Eucharist here and over at Mississippi Abbey. The addition of their services added variety and depth to our liturgy, and we are grateful to them.

We also hosted three sisters from Mississippi Abbey from February 20th – 26th. They shared our life and liturgy, adding their presence and energy by increasing a sense of mutuality in living Cistercian life. They greatly helped to bring order to our novitiate library which had fallen into some neglect. And they took advantage of pleasant weather by pruning some apple and walnut trees. We have been moving into a greater level of cooperation with our sisters, especially in the areas of initial and ongoing formation.

On February 6th, we held our annual Board of Directors meeting for Trappist Caskets. The community is the legal owner of Trappist Caskets and is required by law to meet each year, elect officers and pass official motions. The meeting was very efficiently run by one of our lawyers and included representatives of the management of Trappist Caskets. It has now been in operation for 25 years and continues to be a successful venture.

We are planning a meeting of the liturgy committee this week to make preparations for Holy Week. Visitors are already asking about our schedule for Holy Week. Other than the fact that it will be like last year, no specific schedule as been determined. Stay tuned.

Several men have recently expressed interest in pursuing vocations at the Abbey, and they are scheduled for visits in the next months. We still have two men here as long term guests, and another is expected next month. The A.I.C. (Associates of Iowa Contemplative) continues to be a dedicated group, meeting here once a month. About 25 persons normally come for these sessions.

The superior gave a report on the contributions the community has made to needs in the church. One of the largest was a gift to the sisters who had been forced from Nicaragua to refound their community in Panama. Major renovation work was completed in our Guest House kitchen, including new ovens and air conditioning. Some new washers and driers are now available in our laundry and a new car (hybrid) was purchased to replace an older model. Over 40,000 new trees were planted last year, topping an average planting of 10,000.