Dec 2 – Compline Revised
Considering recent feedback and discussions regarding the chant-based Compline we introduced last year, we have decided to make some revisions for a trial period of 90 days. These revisions will begin tonight as we enter the Advent season. The revisions are as follows …
- Use only one hymn text instead of two
- Extinguish the lights after the hymn
- Omit organ intonations
- Use the same reading each night (1 Peter 5:8-9a – “Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil . . .”)
- Drop the versicle following the reading (“Keep us O Lord as the apple of your eye . . .”)
- Sing the Canticle of Simeon antiphon only at the beginning
- Use the same concluding prayer each night
Additionally, the superior will recite rather than sing the blessing and the cantors will stand at the west end of the choir and face east.