Friday in the Fourth Week of Easter

In our Father’s house there are many rooms and Jesus will prepare a place for us.  We also have many rooms in our hearts.  Have we given the best room to the Lord?  At the Last Supper with his disciples in the large upper room Jesus made this promise:  “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him,” (Jn. 14:23).  The outer space of that intimate Last Supper between Jesus and his disciples is a prophetic sign of the loving presence of Jesus within our own inner space.   And like the Last Supper, our intimacy with Jesus in the upper room of our hearts is always communal, because it is a communion with the Trinity.   The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always come together to make us sharers in their divine love affair.  Imagine being in the best room of your heart with these three divine lovers who want you to be swept up into their intimate romance, even to the point of being divinized by them.   Who ever dreamed we could be lifted so high and included in such a passionate love affair with God?