Friday in the Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time
Scripture Readings: Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Mt 9:9-13
When Jesus said, “Follow me,” Matthew was sitting at the customs post. He could have asked a lot of questions to delay his response: “Who, me? Where are you going? How long will this take? What can I bring with me? What are we going to do? What will I receive?” Right now Matthew’s feet must decide the direction of his love because Jesus is calling him: “Follow me.” Matthew pushes his chair out of the way and gets up to follow Christ. That simple everyday action of getting out of a chair gave direction to the rest of Matthew’s life.
So it is for us. Very ordinary actions give direction to our love. Like getting out of bed for Vigils or Mass. Or, pausing at meals to ask a blessing. Or, opening one’s wallet to help a person in need. Or, extending one’s hands to receive the Eucharist. It’s these little ordinary actions frequently repeated that make great saints.