The Feast of the Birth of the Virgin Mary

[Scripture Readings: Micah 5:1-4; Mt 1:18-23]

Prosperity is just around the corner. Such is the slogan for those who are in a financial straight jacket that doesn’t seem to loosen up. The economy will turn itself around. Whoever needs or wants a job will by some enterprising backer be able to open up this opportunity to a long suffering public. Money that was once dormant will be in circulation again. A happy exchange of goods and cash will flow like an ever growing stream. If only the dream could become a reality!

Birth of Mary by Domenico GhirlandaioToday we celebrate the Birth of the Virgin Mary. It is a time for divine revelation when the extension and dimension of God would reach a new degree of concern and care for the human family. Life and prosperity are just around the corner. Within striking distance a new horizon is about to burst on the scene. God the Father would send his Son who would teach, admonish, work miracles and offer his life for the salvation of souls. The rising sun of justice would have its day and enlightening rays would illumine the darkness of sin and error. Who could understand the influence a mother would have on her only child? Life and prosperity in the domain of the spirit to those who would receive him. Prosperity is indeed just around the corner.

Thanks to Olga’s Gallery Online Art Museum.