Thursday in the Twenty-Ninth Week of Ordinary Time

“I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named” (Eph. 3:14). This passage reminded me of the O.C.S.O. constitutions. “The monks dedicate themselves to worship God in a hidden life within the monastery under the Rule of St Benedict. They lead a monastic way of life in solitude and silence, in assiduous prayer and joyful penitence as defined in these Constitutions, thus rendering to the divine majesty a service that is at once humble and noble” (Cst. 2). Drawn by the love of Christ, we have chosen to live in the House of God as His beloved Sons. Isaiah wrote: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust lies your strength” (Is. 30:15). Ours is a God of infinite compassion and mercy. We are here because He called us. “Come to me and I will give you rest” (CF. Mat. 11:28). Ever faithful and ever true, God stretches out his arms to take us into his loving embrace.

We kneel before the God who made us for himself. He revealed himself to us as a Father who wants to pour his love into us. When we feel powerless, we can cast our cares and those of the world on him, confident that he can make all things new. Let us return to Him with our whole hearts and allow Him to show us the secrets of his heart as he responds to our prayer. Let us receive from him grace upon grace, and be filled with the riches of His glory. Let us be rooted and grounded in love and produce the fruits of righteousness.