Votive Mass for the Deceased
In our first reading St. James writes that “sin gives birth to death.” All have sinned, all must die. But death doesn’t have to be miserable. Here are seven ways to prepare for a holy and happy death.
1. Do good and avoid evil. A good life is a sure way to prepare for a holy death.
2. Pray to St. Joseph, the patron saint of a happy death, every day. Say: “St. Joseph, please, may I have the grace of a holy and happy death, especially the happiness of going straight to heaven.”
3. Turn to Mary for perseverance in grace. It’s a gift we can’t earn by our works. Pray for it. The Rosary is a continuous prayer for perseverance “now and at the hour of our death.”
4. Go to Confession frequently, for when God forgives us our sins, we receive the grace to forgive those who sin against us.
5. Ask for the Anointing of the Sick when ill. It washes away all our sins, venial and mortal, and all the punishments due to sin.
6. Receive the Eucharist daily, and one day it will be our Viaticum, that is the loving Presence of our Lord accompanying us on our final journey home.
7. Desire and pray for the Apostolic Blessing. In that blessing the Lord releases us at the very moment of death from all punishment due to sins, ready for immediate entrance into heaven. And that’s the happiest death of all.