Votive Mass of Mary, Queen of Peace
Scripture Readings: Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Lk 10:17-24
Mary’s love for us is that of a mother. But her power to help us is that of a queen. Not any ordinary queen, but the Queen of heaven and earth, the Mother of God, whose Son is Christ the King, the Prince of Peace.
Pope Paul VI once said, “If you want peace work for justice.” Years later, Pope John Paul II, during his visit to the United States in 1987, said, ”If you want equal justice for all, and true freedom and lasting peace, then, America, defend life from conception until natural death!”
We believe that all lives matter from conception until natural death, therefore, we work and pray to defend the lives of children in their mother’s wombs, so that our world may receive true peace, the peace that can only come from the Queen of Peace.