Leadership Workshop at New Melleray Abbey
On October 4 a number of monks of New Melleray will take part in an all morning intensive workshop on leadership in the context of our monastic tradition and way of life. Professor Dan Ebener, teaches at St. Ambrose University in Davenport Iowa, is known for his “Masters in Organizational Leadership” program. As he has done for many years in collaboration with religious communities, Professor Ebener will conduct six workshops over the course of the next several months offering training in leadership skills. The morning will be spent reading scripture, reflecting on God’s Word concerning leadership in the church, instruction from Professor Ebener, and exercises to practice leadership skills. All monks in the community under the age of 71 are asked to take part and any others in the community interested in taking part are invited to do so. These workshops fulfill one point of our five year Strategic Plan by which we committed ourselves to educating and training the brothers in the area of leadership.