March Information Forum
Today we held our monthly gathering to share personal news and updates on the goings-on within the monastery, the region, and the Order. One of the brothers shared stories of his family experiencing Pope Francis’ visit to Peru. The head of our Conversation Group Facilitation Committee for the past year reviewed the topics we discussed. A number of liturgical items were mentioned particularly Holy Week schedule and rubrics. Other updates included an update on recent vocational interest, the latest status of a few infirm brothers, the procurement of new pillows for the guesthouse, the reorganization of outgoing and incoming mail, and the recent trimming of dead and low branches on our trees as well as the initial efforts to develop walking trails for our guests.
about Information Forum
The purpose of the Information Forum is to provide an opportunity for brothers publicly to give information or news about themselves or their departments and areas of responsibility that will be of interest to the community or important for the brothers to know.
The Information Forum is a response to:
Constitution 16 of the Order, “Active Participation of the Brothers: the brothers are called to mutual care, mutual co-operation, and mutual obedience. … The abbot and the officials are to communicate to the brothers what concerns all and readily accept their desires and suggestions” (16.2,4).
Priority One of the Transition Process 2012:
Whatever we do, we need to do it together in the community as a whole.