Monks Celebrate the Solemnity of our Holy Founders
On January 26, the community of New Melleray celebrated the Solemnity of saints Robert, Alberic, and Stephen, the monks who founded the Cistercian Order in the year 1098. Our order is unusual for having three founders instead of one, and this is a fitting expression of our commitment to life in community. Fr. Mark our abbot, preaching at the mass for the Solemnity, quoted an author as saying that the regenerative power of monasticism, demonstrated repeatedly at different periods of history, is remarkable. The birth of the Cistercian Order is a noteworthy example. Robert, Alberic, and Stephen, monks of the Benedictine monastery of Molesme in southern France, aspired to live the Rule of St. Benedict more simply and faithfully and initiated one of the most significant flowerings of spirituality in the history of the church. New Melleray is blessed to have among its members a “Robert”, an “Alberic”, and a “Stephen”. The Solemnity is observed by a suspension of work and a festive meal at mid-day accompanied by music