New Melleray Abbey hires a full time Forester
In early December, New Melleray Abbey hired Mr. John Schroeder to undertake the management of our extensive forests. The monks take seriously our role as stewards of the land we occupy and have always been assisted in this work by professionals trained in forestry science. One motivation for careful maintenance of our forests is that they provide us with a percentage of the timber we use at Trappist Caskets. The many acres of forests surrounding the monastery are also, in a mysterious way, integrated into the prayer of the monks who sing in praise of God’s creation each morning when the sun comes up. John graduated with a B.S. in Forest Management and Fire Science as well as a minor in history from Colorado State University. He has relevant work experience from California, Montana, Colorado and New York City. Accompanying John is Laurana Snyder who is his fiance. She too has a degree in forestry. At age 26, John manifests a passionate commitment to the art of forestry and his responsibility to pass on this treasure to future generations.