Nov 6 – Dubuque County Right to Life
This evening Hannah Brehm, Executive Director of Dubuque County Right to Life, spoke to the community about her work and experiences in the local right to life movement. She shared with us the educational mission of Dubuque County Right to Life particularly regarding the dangers of abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide. She gave examples of efforts including speakers, billboards, and bus trips to the National March for Life in Washington D.C.. She also gave an overview of the various pro life organizations in Iowa and how they work together. More personally, Hannah told her story of getting involved in the right to life effort beginning with a trip to the March for Life as an 8th grader. She also shared anecdotes that have come from her answer to the common conversational question, “So, what do you do?”
from Ratio Institutionis – The Community as Formative
13. Communal discussions and dialogues, forms of Gospel sharing and fraternal correction, can be important means in the formation of the community. In these and other ways, members of the community are trained to listen to others, exposed to different viewpoints and encouraged to develop skills of self-expression.