Oct 1 – Young Adult Luncheon and Discussion
Fr. Mark and the Vocation Team hosted a luncheon with seven young adults today to initiate a conversation around the questions: “What does New Melleray Abbey have to offer young adults today?” and “How can we make it available?” Our guests included an aide to a U.S. Congressman, four students at the University of Iowa’s Writer’s Workshop, a high school theology teacher, and a college professor.
We invite you to join this conversation and share your thoughts on these questions by visiting our “Contact” page and directing your comments to the abbot as an”I have a question” message.
from Constitutions and Statutes of the Monks and Nuns of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance:
C.3: The Spirit of the Order
4. The monastery is an expression of the mystery of the Church, where nothing is preferred to the praise of the Father’s glory. . . . The monks strive to remain in harmony with all the people of God and share their active desire for the unity of all Christians.