Sept 25 – Little Office Experiment
We are experimenting with an alternate approach to our praying of the “Little Offices” (Terce, Sext, and None) by alternating between a two-person schola and the full choir. The hope is that this approach, which we have used to pray Compline for decades, will assist in our ongoing efforts to sing as “one voice” with consistent pace and volume.
from The Rule of Saint Benedict: Chapter 19. The Discipline of Psalmody
We must always remember, therefore, what the Prophet says: Serve the lord with fear (Ps 2:11), and again, Sing praise wisely (Ps 46[47]:8); and, In the presence of the angels I will sing to you (Ps 137[138]:1). Let us consider, then, how we ought to behave in the presence of God and his angels, and let us stand to sing the psalms in such a way that our minds are in harmony with our voices.