Guest House

In St. Benedict’s Rule for Monasteries he tells his monks to welcome all guests as you would Christ, for he himself said, ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

As a guest at New Melleray, you will share in our life of prayerful mindfulness of Christ. You will be welcomed to join us for the daily celebration of Mass and for the chanting of the Opus Dei, the Liturgy of the Hours. You will have your own room (towels and linens provided), and will enjoy home-cooked meals. A library affords our guests ample material for spiritual reading to supplement what you may wish to bring with you. Prayerful walks about the grounds in front of the abbey and in some of our farm and woodlands will let you share in the joy we take in living with nature and the changing of the seasons. You will find that our guest house is one of those “spaces of prayer and communion” that Pope Francis in The Joy of the Gospel esteems so important today.

Twenty rooms are available, four with two single beds, the others have one single bed. Groups or individuals seeking a spiritual retreat from the world are welcome. Reservations may be made by either emailing or calling 563-588-2319 extension 100.