Oct 10 – Vatican II and the House Report
Our October Conversation Groups turned our attention to the OCSO 2017 General Chapter. The monasteries or our Order have been provided with several questions to reflect on in connection with the “house report” each will submit prior to the convocation of the General Chapter. This morning we discussed two of the questions which invited us to consider the manifestation of our ‘Cistercian charism’ in our community and to reflect upon the fruits we have received from Vatican Council II over the past 50 years. We shared the aspects of our Cistercian monastic life that we find particularly dear at New Melleray today along with numerous pre and post-Conciliar historical reflections.
from Constitutions and Statutes of the Monks and Nuns of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance:
C.77 The General Chapter of Abbots
“At fixed times all the abbots come together. They discuss there the salvation of their own souls and of those committed to them. They take measures regarding the observance of the Holy Rule and of the Order where there is something that needs to be corrected or added. They foster new among themselves the benefit of peace and charity. They devote themselves to maintaining the patrimony of the Order and safeguarding and increasing unity.”
Conversation Groups (CG)
The purpose of the CGs is to provide a forum where the brothers “come together to listen to the Spirit speaking through one another,” to foster skills of good communication that will promote mutual understanding and trust (Gdlns 2), and to provide the superior with the data he needs for taking decisions with foresight and fairness by the brothers humbly and honestly expressing their views (RB 3)