Feb 10 – Formation Conversation
Our February Conversation Groups invited us to reflect upon the important topic of monastic formation. This is the third, and final, set of questions supplied by the Generalate of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance for use in preparing our House Report for the 2017 General Chapter.
We were able to share how we felt supported by the community in our efforts to assimilate the convictions and values of the Gospel message and our monastic way of life as well as how we try to support others, especially new members, in this same assimilation.
We also shared how squarely and securely we felt our life rested on the four pillars of Opus Dei, personal prayer, work, and lectio divina. We were invited to share any additional pillars we noticed had been introduced into the structure of our life.
Conversation Groups (CG)
The purpose of the CGs is to provide a forum where the brothers “come together to listen to the Spirit speaking through one another,” to foster skills of good communication that will promote mutual understanding and trust (Gdlns 2), and to provide the superior with the data he needs for taking decisions with foresight and fairness by the brothers humbly and honestly expressing their views (RB 3)