Sept 22 – Mercy and the Cross
This evening some of us viewed Bishop Robert Barron’s “Mercy and the Cross” talk in Krakow, Poland during the recent World Youth Day. Bishop Barron chose to set aside his prepared talk in favor of a reflection upon the Cross in light of the killing of Fr. Jacque in Rouen, France the previous day. After watching the longer than usual video we had a brief discussion regarding the current “age of martyrs” and the recurring call for Catholics to respond to the good news of the gospel and “go forth” into the world in faith.
from Ratio Institutionis – The Community as Formative
13. Communal discussions and dialogues, forms of Gospel sharing and fraternal correction, can be important means in the formation of the community. In these and other ways, members of the community are trained to listen to others, exposed to different viewpoints and encouraged to develop skills of self-expression.